Take a bow Kariman Abuljadayel! The woman is out of contention for a medal at Rio 2016, but made history by becoming the first Saudi Arabian to compete in the 100m event at the Olympics.

And to the delight of fans, she did it in a hijaab.

b’Abuljadayel in action. AFP’

Abuljadayel is one of four women from the country to compete in this year’s Olympics, aiming to break down barriers.

UAE’s Nada Albedwawi, who competed in the 50m freestyle heats earlier, shed light on what women from conservative countries have to go through to reach the games and how competing at the highest level can set an example. 

b”Saudi’s first 100m woman sprinter. AFP”

“My main goal is to break down these barriers, these gender barriers, and pave the way for other female swimmers,” said Albedwawi after her 50m freestyle heat. “Especially in our country, people are reluctant to start something new.

“So when they see there is already a female swimmer who has been to the Olympics they will be much more encouraged to do so.”

b”Abuljadayel’s achievement should certainly encourage women back home. AFPxc2xa0″

We hope Abuljadayel’s achievement will certainly have a similar effect back home!

Feature image source: AFP