A major upheaval triggered at Nelliyadi village in Karnataka, 70km from Mangalore, on Tuesday, after a Muslim barber refused to shut his shop.Speaking to Hindustan Times, Bajrang Dal leader Ravi Ballya said that barber Salman refused to “respect local sentiments” and shut his barber shop on Tuesday as customary. He said “It is well-known that Hindus don’t cut their hair on Tuesdays.”

The violence was brought to control after erupting around 4 pm but left many people injured and property worth lakhs of rupees destroyed. The police imposed a curfew in the area.

This is not the first incidence of communal violence in Karnataka. In September, a series of riots were reported in Mudhol, Dharwad, Chikkodi and Belgaum districts.

Sahitya Akademi award winning Kannada writer, researcher and former vice-chancellor of Kannada University M.M. Kalburgi was shot dead on August 30 in Dharwad, Karnataka. There were open threats issued to rationalists and intellectuals.On 24 January 2009, the Sri Ram Sena attacked girls in a pub in Mangalore, India. A group of 40 activists of the Sri Rama Sena barged into the pub “Amnesia – The Lounge” and beat up a group of young women and men, claiming the women were violating traditional Indian values.

Earlier Bajrang Dal and Vishwa Hindu Parishad activists had attacked dozens of churches in coastal Karnataka.

These incidents in Karnataka stand testimony to the fact that the prevailing communal tension and extremism in the state is only getting worst with each passsing day. Untill and unless, the state government takes stringent action against those who are creating ruckus, it will continue to affect lives.

Read more:

Sahitya Akademi Award Winning Kannada Writer M.M. Kalburgi Shot Dead At His Residence