A day after the US government expelled 35 Russian diplomats from US and declared sanctions against two Russian intelligence services, accusing Russia of tampering with the 2016 US  Presidential Elections, the Russian Embassy in London has responded in a most unorthodox manner.

Ridiculing the Obama administration, the Russian Embassy has posted a meme on Twitter: 

The tweet likens the action to those carried on during the Cold War, the period that followed the end of WW II and resulted in immense political, ideological and military rivalry between US and Russia (then USSR), which lasted till the late 80s. 

The tweet also refers to the Obama administration as hapless. 

Improving relations with Russia and turning it from an adversary to ally in order to counter global terrorism has been one of the main foreign policy agendas that the President-Elect Donald Trump has announced so far. 

But with President Obama’s recent sanctions against the Russia and their alleged part in hacking the Democratic National Committee campaign in favour of the Republican candidate, Trump might have to reconsider the plan. 

Feature Image Source: Reuters