In our last story about Ryan International School, we talked about how the institution was accused of forcing students and teachers to register as members for BJP.

While Managing Director Grace Pinto admitted to the membership drive, she insisted that “it was absolutely voluntary. No one was forced to do so.”

Source: Kemmannu

We asked our readers associated with the school to write in to us, and here’s an interesting e-mail we received today, from Just Someone.


Respected Sir/ Madam,

Ryan International school isn’t forcing or asking but instead tricking the students to join the BJP membership drive.

My sibling studies in Ryan International School, Malad (ICSE/SSC) in Mumbai. On the 17th of March, his class teacher had asked the students to ,”get a cell phone to school for dialling a toll free number of an education site.”

The next day (18th March), at 3pm , the teacher wrote a number(18002662020) on the blackboard and asked the children to dial it on their phones. The phones were collected after the students gave a missed call and the teacher deleted the VM-Membership messages, that were received after dialling the toll free number.

I only realised this whole fiasco when I typed the number on the internet, to see which educational site had a toll free number and what was the purpose of giving a miscall. The whole page showed articles and pictures of BJP membership drive and Mr Modi. I then got to know that this number wasn’t of some ,”education site”.

I fail to see how Madam Grace Pinto feels that this drive is voluntary. All the parents and students were fooled. It is such a shame!

Yours sincerely,

An ashamed Ex- Ryanite

What do you think really happened here?

If this is the real story, shouldn’t Ms Pinto be answerable? How can we teach this generation anything if we cheat them ourselves?

And let’s not even get started about the lack of democracy.