Kareena Kapoor surprised many when she agreed to star in Udta Punjab which starred ex-beau, Shahid Kapoor. Eyebrows were also raised when Saif Ali Khan and Shahid Kapoor came on board for Vishal Bhardwaj’s upcoming film Rangoon, which also stars Kangana Ranaut. But the latest news from the rumour mills is set to top it all.
Buzz is that Saif & Amrita’s daughter, Sarah is all set to be launched opposite none other than, Shahid Kapoor’s half-brother, Ishaan Khattar.
Both are now exploring the subject of an unusual love story. And rumours also suggest that It could be none other than Karan Johar, who is all set to launch the two good looking actors.
And if it’s Dharma Productions that is going to take these promising faces under its wings, all that starts well, could end well too.