When parody Twitter account @RushdieExplains started off as a joke among friends, the creator had no idea that it would gain such prominence. The account had a fairly longer run of seven weeks as opposed to initial expectations and also managed to get 30000 followers in a short span of time.

Source: Scroll

But recently the real Salman Rushdie decided to confront the account which kept up the humour quotient and often got into debates with right wingers. The author was not happy with the fact that someone else’s views were being attributed to him.

Source: Twitter

The owner of the handle, Rohit Chopra, quickly swung into action and changed the name to @IndiaExplained . He later said that it gave him a chance to pay homage to Rushdie while being able to express views on things that he was concerned about. Then this followed.

Source: BBC

But wait, though the encounter between Rushdie and his online twin went down pleasantly, things did not end there. Many users on Twitter were not quite pleased with the author’s stand, and took to Twitter questioning Rushdie.

Source: BBC
Source: BBC

By many this action was seen as self contradictory on part of the author who himself has stood for freedom of expression on numerous occasions. Others advised Rushdie to develop a sense of humour. Meanwhile the account with a new name has promised to continue providing the dose of political satire.

Source: Twitter

It seems Twitterati really turned the tables on Mr. Rushdie this time around.