In the lead up to Rio Olympics, which begin on 5 August, 2016, we will be recounting some of the greatest moments in the history of the games, celebrating legends, revisiting controversies, iconic moments and inspiring stories from yesteryear. We will be profiling Indian medal winners and of course, look forward to the biggest sporting event of the year.

50 days, 50 videos, 50 memorable stories!

46 days to go: Calcutta produced an Olympic hero much before Leander Paes

Born in Calcutta in 1877, Norman Gilbert Pritchard was the first Asian-born athlete ever to win an Olympic medal, when he won silver medals in 200 m sprint and 200 m hurdles in Paris, 1900. 

According to Olympic historian Gulu Ezekiel, Pritchard has enough claim to be counted as an Indian olympian, as much as the British would like to dispute it. Not surprisingly, it is still hotly debated in Olympic circles as to whether Pritchard went to Paris representing India or Great Britain.

But it cannot be disputed that, having been born, brought-up and trained in India, Calcutta (as it was known then) can take as much pride in Pritchard as can the British.

Here’s our video tribute to him: