It took a pamphlet issued by government funded Punjab State Aids Control Society (PSACS) to spread misinformation about AIDS. 

According to a report by India Today, the pamphlet issued suggests that AIDS can be contracted by shaking hands with an infected person, which is not true. 

This is not it. The questionable pamphlet, coupled with pictures and colorful text also lists down sharing of utensils and using mobile phone, computer and toilet of the infected person as possible causes of spreading the disease. 

Written in punjabi, the pamphlet issued as part of a campaign to spread awareness has embarrassingly backfired by listing out all the myths as causes that the government of India has been debunking for years. 

Ironically, if one has to check the PSCAS website, it lists down the ”real” causes for the spread of the disease such as unprotected sex, sharing of needles and transfusion of infected blood. 


(Feature image source: Twitter)