We live in times where we respond to intellect that goes beyond professional dynamics and Shashi Tharoor is the ideal man in that sense. He is the politician we’ve all come to admire. 

India Times

Seriously, is there any end to the man’s knowledge and wit? It’s no surprise that even at 61 years of age, he is getting marriage proposals.

Recently, the 10th edition of Delhi Pride Parade was held and we got to see Delhiites celebrate the day with vibrant colors and striking posters. 


One placard held out among all the others, one that held a message for our politician Shashi Tharoor:

And it’s not only him 😬 #pride2017 #prideparade #dqp #loveislove #delhiqueerpride #love

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A magazine helped to bring this to Shashi Tharoor’s attention by tweeting it:

And the man saw it. Never holding back his words, he came out in full swing staying true to his personality and tweeted:

Everyone listens when the Lok Sabha MP talks and Twitter was quick to respond to this:

With a flamboyant persona and amazing intellect, who would not want to marry this complete package of a politician!