Congress leader Shashi Tharoor is a vegetarian. He has stated as much many times in the past. However his recent tweet about for choices are stirring up a storm on Twitter. 

The Hindu

Retweeting his son who had retweeted a satirical thread about violence and meat-eating being co-related, Tharoor said that he did not find it hard to believe that it was true. Now, if it was Tharoor’s inner Indian uncle talking or his satirical best showing, we don’t know. We sincerely hope it’s the latter though!

Anyhow, in light of no further explanation by Tharoor, Twitter has assumed the worst! 

Some have even questioned if Tharoor thought Karl Sharro’s OG satirical thread to be real!

So that was that! I am not going to make an opinion here. You guys fight it out!