The 47-year old David left his Hotel room around 4 pm only to be found three hours later by his brother Robert Goldberg, on the floor in his own pool of blood. He was transported with weak vital signs to Hospital San Javier in Nuevo Vallarta, where he eventually died from his injuries.

Facebook’s second-in-command and author of Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg’s husband passed away in a freak accident at the gym of a Mexican resort on Friday night. David Goldberg, a well known Silicon Valley executive, appears to have slipped off the treadmill and bust his head open.

There was some confusion as to where the incident took place, when all the Four Seasons denied that there was anyone by the name of Dave Goldberg at the Hotel. The NY Times clarified in a different report that the incident took place at a private villa near the Four Seasons.


His brother made the announcement of his death, and Sheryl put up a tribute for her husband on her Facebook page.

Founder of Facebook and family friend Mark Zuckerberg made a public statement about how grave a loss it was for the family, and how it was important to celebrate the loss of a nice human being.


An invitation-only memorial was organized by the family at the Stanford Memorial Auditorium in California. The men were encouraged to give the tie a miss, in consonance with Dave’s life-long hate for ties. The invitees had also been requested to not post any pictures of the event on social media out of respect for the family.

Read the full story here .