Several celebrities, including Bollywood actor Sonam Kapoor were invited to attend The MDL Beast Festival that took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. And now people are furious about the actor’s response to the festival, and for not acknowledging the fact that women were sexually harassed in the crowd.
She was called out by the Instagram account, DietPrada for saying that she was treated well as a brown Hindu girl, the account tagged her in the videos shared by a harassed brown girl. It also called out celebrities for taking paid trips to improve the public image of a country with famous human rights violations in their bag.
This tourism event aka concert is being heavily criticised for the excessive amount of sexual harassment and groping that took place in the crowd. Several women have come forward with their experience at the festival, stating that they will stop going to concerts.
أمريكية حضرت الفعالية تقول:
— Mareeeمار ☕️ (@MareeeMOO) December 22, 2019
-أحببت الحفل لكنني كرهت الحضور بسبب المستوى اللامعقول من التحرش
-لم أفعل شيئاً مثيراً للغرائز ومع ذلك حاول البعض الإمساك بي و تحسس جسدي
-شاهدت نساء ترتدين العبائات و محجبات و تم التحرش بهن ومحاولة لمس أجسادهن من قبل الحضور!
أنتم همج!
When you go to MDL Beast you should expect wild beasts. If you fear for your life (and dignity), stay away from the jungle.#تحرش_ميدل_بيست
— محمد س. الفوزان (@msalfozan) December 21, 2019
1- Its been 3 days and I’m still fuming from what I saw/experienced at #mdl_beast #مدل_بيست
— Reem M.Y (@Reemyassin) December 22, 2019
It was heartbreaking to see how sexual harassment is normalized amongst the majority of male attendees,young&old. but what i find most painful is that our society leapt to blame women.
Even the Americans are accustomed to these things, but this level of sexual harassment, which was in MDL beast , is not reasonable and it’s something very ugly that every person is ashamed of, and we are the Muslims???
— عـالـيه بـنـت ابـراهـيـم (@alia_ibrahimm) December 22, 2019
i was in VIP &old men still had the nerve to come talk and throw comments towards my 16yo sister. we were sitting on a couch and on god this man wasn’t younger than 25 and he comes straight up to my sister and starts harassing her?i had to yell at a grown man for him to fuck off?
— lamar (@thinkharderrr) December 22, 2019
The festival is yet to issue an official statement regarding the allegations made.