An emergency has been declared in the Australian Capital Territory due to raging bushfires in the southern part of Canberra, BBC reports.

The region is witnessing the worst fires in almost 2 decades. The last time they were such a huge matter of concern, it was 2003, and 4 people lost their lives.

This time around, it is expected that the fires might become ‘uncontrollable’, which is why a state of emergency has been imposed, to make sure the fire fighters have better chances of working things out.

The situation has been so bad, that the Canberra airport had to be shut off last week, due to fear of a fire accident.

The authorities have also issued a statement to ‘disaster tourists’, urging them to stay away from the area. In Chief Minister Andrew Barr’s words:

I want to reinforce the message to disaster tourists they’re not welcome as this fire approaches.

The main blaze is currently burning over more than 18,500 hectares, and it’s a huge matter of concern for the authorities. We hope everything returns to normal in the region, soon.