Whoever said what goes around, comes around definitely knew what they were talking about.
Local Tourists destroying Stone Pillars in Heritage Site at Hampi, Karnatakahttps://t.co/xkoBTAAMNG pic.twitter.com/mse73jQMRw
— Reddit India (@redditindia) February 1, 2019
Remember the four young guys who vandalised pillars in the Hampi World Heritage Site? After getting arrested by the Karnataka Police, the JMFC court in Hosapete fined them Rs 70,000 each and also ordered them to re-erect the monumental pillars.

The four youths – Ayush from Madhya Pradesh, Raja Babu Chowdary, Raj Aryan and Rajesh Kumar Chowdary from Bihar were taken to the spot where they vandalised the pillars to put them back in place.

The pillars which weigh tonnes were re-erected by them under the supervision of officials from the Archaeological Survey of India, and police inspectors.

Hopefully, this will lead to a change in people and make them thinking twice before vandalising invaluable historic property.