If you thought that beating Martina Navratilova on Twitter would be easier than on the tennis court, then you’re wrong. Turns out that the American is as good with her words as she is with her volley. 

b’Navratilova. Twitter’

The seven-time Wimbledon champion weighed in on the freedom of speech debate in India, triggered by JNU students getting arrested on charges of sedition after allegedly raising anti-national slogans.

Navratilova tweeted her thoughts on the issue along with a New York Times article and was instantly criticised by those who believe the JNU arrests are a legitimate way to handle the situation. Not only that, some people took issue with a foreigner chiming in to an issue that has divided India over the last couple of weeks. But Navratilova kept calm.

What do they say about class being permanent?

Feature image source: Twitter