The world is faced with an unprecedented health crisis right now. With lakhs of people infected with the coronavirus, governments all over the world are urging their people to take the necessary precautions in order to stay safe.

Amid this crisis, while some people and brands are trying to make use of the opportunity and gain profits out of it, The Hindu has sent out a powerful message, through an advertisement in its print publication.

The message makes it very clear that The Hindu group will not encourage the use of its name for opportunistic gains in any manner. It urges marketers and companies to not use social media to take advantage of the scenario for their personal gains.

A Reddit user posted an image of the front page of The Hindu newspaper.

If you really feel the urge to milk something, kindly go find a cow. from r/india

Netizens called it responsible journalism and praised the newspaper for taking a strong stand.

What do you think about it?