Under an anti-terrorism assistance program, for over 20 years, U.S.A has been donating Explosive Detection Canines (EDCs) i.e bomb sniffer dogs to Jordan in order to combat terrorism. 


These sniffer dogs are specifically trained to detect explosives through various techniques and alert their handlers.

However, a report was released by the U.S Government which mentioned the negligent conditions faced by these sniffer dogs in foreign land. 

According to a report by HuffPost, in a span of over 8 years, 10 sniffer dogs have lost their lives to medical problems caused due to neglect by the foreign handlers. 

Washington Post

Even the ones that have managed to survive are living under ‘unhealthy conditions’.

Disturbing pictures show the protruding ribs of sniffers and overgrown nails. 

Huffington post

The report also states that most of the over-worked sniffers are beyond their working years and in desperate need to be retired.  

Several canines were observed to have hip dysplasia and obvious arthritis, and have lost the will to work.

Lack of maintenance can be seen in these pictures. Ticks were found embedded on the bodies of various sniffers. 

Daily Mail

According to CNN, there’s no provision of dog bowls in the kennels. The handlers throw the food on the floor which is covered with feces. 


Reports say that since 2016, 66 more sniffer dogs were provided to Jordan and there is very little progress made from their end to look after the dogs. 

The officer of Inspector General has commented on the situation: 

OIG remains concerned that Jordan is not able or willing to provide adequate care for working dogs without the Department’s intervention. 

According to reports, Jordan has received more EDCs than any of the other nations named in the report ― Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Nepal, and Oman. The severity of health concerns that were seen in Jordan remains the highest.