Ambreen Zaidi, an Army officer’s wife, has claimed that she faced a huge problem in renting a house in Delhi because she is a Muslim. And this has left the social media shocked and, well, divided.

Zaidi, who has ‘Proud Indian Faujan‘ written on her Twitter profile, tweeted on May 19 how her religion has become the ‘deciding factor’ whether she’ll get a house or not.

She was responding to a tweet on the insecurity of migrants who belong to the minority community. 

After Zaidi took to Twitter to share her grievance, her tweets spread like wildfire and she even got an ‘overwhelming’ support.

Zaidi thanked people for the support and informed that she is currently in advanced talks for a house.

But she also received considerable abuse, trolling and accusations of ‘using the minority card’.

However, she clarified that she doesn’t want to become a news item, reportedly rejecting advances made by other media houses.

The shock is over the fact that in Zaidi’s case, her religion even overshadowed her association with the Indian Army, considered the ultimate nationalists. It further reinforces the findings by studies that Muslims indeed find it much more difficult than their counterparts to rent a house in Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida.

And it’s just very sad.

(Feature image source: Twitter | @Ambreenzaidi + @timesofindia)