So far, people have called Kanhaiya Kumar an anti-national, a political stooge, an opportunist and even a rebel without a cause.

But no one has raised this burning issue: What will happen once Kanhaiya is unleashed on the world after he completes his degree! Just how will be treat his patients?

No, we haven’t gone nuts. We are just repeating the concerns of a right wing leader who is vehemently opposing Kanhaiya’s scheduled talk in Mumbai on Saturday (April 23).

This is what one Niranjan Pal of Veer Sena told The Hindu:

We know that he (Kanhaiya Kumar) is pursuing his PhD from JNU and he is threatening to break the nation to pieces. How can a person like him serve the patients who will approach him after he becomes a doctor?

It got even worse when someone pointed out to Mr Pal that Kanhaiya was studying literature not medicine, but the leader simply refused to budge and said:

So? He will become a doctor anyway and patients will approach him?

All we can say now is…