Three decades after the World Health Organisation removed homosexuality from the list of mental disorders and diseases, many continue to see it that way. And keep promising cures for it.

Be it Baba Ramdev or well-known doctors, their irresponsible and unscientific take on the issue leaves many of us seething. But is that all one can do?

No. A non-government organisation in Mumbai working for the LGBT community has been running a rather bold campaign to deal with them. The Humsafar Trust is simply naming and shaming just about anyone who has gone public and offered a cure for homosexuality – using #‎QueersAgainstQuacks‬ ‪and #‎Nothing2Cure.

The campaign called ‘Queers Against Quacks’, started on May 1 and is concluding today, as May 17 is observed as The International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. From Baba Ramdev to activist Rahul Easwar to well-known doctors, the campaign is sparing none.

This is how they are doing it:

And this is what the LGBT community has to tell these “quacks”: