While the Covid-19 put a dampener on the honeymoon plans of many newlyweds, for Anudeep Hegde and Minusha Kanchan, the idea of ditching their honeymoon vacation came from an altogether different and altruistic idea – the thought of cleaning the beach they’d together spend time on. 


Yes, Anudeep Hegde and Minusha Kanchan, who got married on November 18, spent the two weeks after their marriage cleaning the Someshwara beach, in Baindur, Karnataka. 

In approximately two weeks, the duo managed to clear roughly 800kgs of trash. The idea behind this novel ‘honeymoon’ was simple – they were tired of watching one of their favourite destinations in Anudeep’s hometown turn into a dumpster. 

When the two decided to take up the beach clean-up, they were the only ones at it. Together, they bought gloves and garbage bin bags and got down to cleaning the beach. However, seeing them at work, local volunteers soon joined in, and together they managed to clear 80% of the beach. 


According to reports, the couple wishes to continue with their cleaning drive, and concurrently, spread awareness about biological and marine conservation. What a brilliant initiative indeed!