People are known to kiss and make up. But in Baba Ramdev and Lalu Prasad Yadav’s case, applying a face cream was how they did it.

The two have been known to be critical of each other in the past, but an unusual camaraderie was on display when the two met in Delhi. 

Ramdev met Lalu at his farmhouse in Delhi, in order to invite him for the International Yoga Day celebrations on June 21 in the capital. And he turned up with a huge hamper of his products

b’Source:xc2xa0ABP NEWS ‘

The meeting began with some yoga

In front of cameras, Ramdev generously applied a cream on Lalu’s face.

Ramdev told a mediaperson that the beauty product was a special gold cream by his brand Patanjali, and (not surprisingly) that it’s made of jadi-booti (herbs).

It will add beauty to your face. We make Ayurvedic products, foreign companies use chemicals,” he said, and offered an energy bar to Lalu.

Energised, Lalu said he has used most of Patanjali’s products, from flour to salt to toothpaste.

In normal soaps, there is excess soda, but not Ramdev’s soap. It will keep the skin healthy,” the former Bihar chief minister said.

People are jealous of Baba Ramdev because he is highly successful,” he added for good measure.

Asked about their battle of words in the past, Ramdev, on his part, said Lalu is so good-hearted that even his prahaar (attacks) have pyaar (love).