We kill in the name of religion, we rape women, we maim, and we slaughter. But what drives this insane fanaticism in us that breeds so much hate that we are ready to close our eyes and kill our own fellow humans? Is there any ounce of humanity left in us?

A video that surfaced on Facebook shows Sikh men being beaten up by religious fanatics. The reason? They were apparently praying at a place where offering prayers was prohibited by the Sikh faith and prior permission of the Temple bosses.

One middle-aged man, and two slightly older men are slapped till their turbans come off. They are laid stomach down on the ground, and beaten with a stick; repeated blows to their buttocks.


The video could not be any better proof of how our fanaticism drowns our moral judgement when it comes to religion. Beating up people just because they were offering their prayers, not even considering their age, as a factor to have some mercy. Such barbarism! 

Watch the video here:

Trigger warning: The video is graphic in nature.

Source: Facebook/Tarek Fatah

Where is the world headed?