Around 22 years ago, a smuggler known to the Mumbai police, carried out blasts which left the city in chaos, followed by a deafening silence. The man Tiger Memon, vanished from India even before people of Mumbai, or Bombay as it was then called, could recover from what had just hit them. Last week Tiger’s voice surfaced when he made a phone call to the Memon House a few minutes before Yakub’s hanging.

A transcript of this alleged telephonic conversation recently surfaced that was said to be between Tiger Memon and his family in Mumbai. Mumbai Police has however gone on record to say that no such call was intercepted.

Source: The Economic Times

At around half past five in the morning, as Yakub was being prepared for the hanging, the Memon household received a call.

The full transcript of the conversation was published by The Economic Times . While talking to mother Hanifa, Tiger repeats several times that he will avenge Yakub’s execution. We reproduce the transcript here:

At the beginning of the conversation Tiger says, “Salam walekum, hello”

An unidentified man, who appears acquainted with Tiger, replies “Walikum salam Bhai.”

Source : The Indian Express

Tiger immediately asks for his mother Hanifa, and the phone is taken to her who appears initially refuses to talk, but later takes the reciever upon insistence. A conversation follows.

Tiger: “Salam Alaikum Ammi khairiyat.”

Hanifa speaks In a feeble voice, and is inaudible.

Tiger repeats: “Salam Alaikum Ammi khairiyat?”

The mother Hanifa starts crying. There is a pause for 35 seconds as she sobs.

Tiger then says: “Zulm ki inteha ho gayi hai. Zaya nahi jayega,” (This is the height of injustice, this will not go waste.)

And repeats it one more time: “Yeh sab zaya nahi jayega,”

(Hanifa continues crying on the phone)

Tiger responds: “Tum ro mat ammi iska inko izafa dena hoga.”

(Hanfia says something but is inaudible)

Tiger:”main unko chukwaonga” (I will make them pay)

Tiger’s mother says in a feeble voice: “Bas ho gaya, Pehle ke vajah se mera Yakub gaya ab aur nahin main dekh sakti (starts crying again).

(Tiger’s relative who had picked the call initially comes back on the line)

Tiger says: “unko sambhalo, sabko sambhalo”

Relative replies: “Woh abhi baat nahi karsakti, ro rahi hai. sab ro rahe hain.”

Tiger announces: “Sabke asoo zaya nahi jayenge” (Everyone’s tears will not go waste)

“Sabka khayal rakho” (Take care of everyone)

Relative: “Dua padho bhai” (Recite some prayers)

The call, which allegedly lasted for three minutes, was made using a VOIP connection. The source could not be traced as the call was initially reported to be bouncing from one IP address to another.

Source: Vire’s Attached

The call, if it happened for real and if at all this exchange took place, has raised concerns among security agencies about the possibilities of a backlash for Yakub’s hanging. When asked about the phone call and allegations that the Memon family is still in touch with Tiger, Yakub’s lawyer Shyam Keswani said, “Please don’t drag me into this. I don’t want to comment.”

Read more:

SC Judge Who Rejected Yakub Memon’s Last Plea Receives Death Threat

Yakub Memon Hanged At Nagpur Jail After SC Rejected His Last Plea

Salman Khan Speaks Up In Favour Of Yakub Memon, Says ‘Hang Tiger’, Retracts Later

Yakub Memon’s Only Interview Resurfaces, Says, ‘I Came Back To My Motherland’

All Arguments Aside, Did Yakub Memon Deserve The Grand Send-Off That He Got?