Tigers are fascinating creatures and it is very difficult to handle these magnificent beasts owing to their unpredictable nature. But the authorities at Alipore Zoo, Kolkata, are facing a different dilemma altogether.

Source: BBC

The zoo is home to a young tiger, that simply says no to sex. Vishal, a ten year old tiger, has been resisting advances from tigress Rupa who lives in an enclosure adjacent to Vishal’s.

The officials are puzzled as even libido enhancers are not working towards changing Vishal’s attitude. The ‘shyness’ displayed by the white tiger is blamed on his breeding which was done in captivity.

Credit: Rajarshi Banerji | Source: India Nature Watch

Efforts to mate Vishal have been underway since six months, as he is the only one of appropriate age. But according to veterinary consultant, Dayanarayan Bannerjee, maybe he is a bit too old for mating now, reported BBC .

Though Rupa is willing, Vishal shows little interest apart from being friendly. Now authorities are considering introducing Vishal to tigress Rani, a Bengal tiger who is said to possess a ‘beautiful face’. Hopefully Vishal will deliver.

Or, maybe he is playing hard to get?