The IMD has issued a red alert in Gujarat due to Cyclone Vayu. According to reports, 3 lakh people have been evacuated and sent to safety shelters. On that note, here are some tips to keep in mind to stay safe during a cyclone because it is always good to take some safety measures, right?

1. According to experts, if you are at home, you must turn off all electricity, gas and water appliances by unplugging it.

2. Keep listening to the local news or radio to monitor the situation and to listen to all the warnings.

3. It is advised to bring your family and pets to the strongest part of your house and stay together. If you can’t take your pets with you, make sure they are in a safe place (garage, laundry). Also, don’t forget to leave them some food and water. Don’t tie them up.

4. Prepare an emergency survival kit that should include food supplies, water supply and medicines that one might need. You should also discuss your evacuation plan.

5. During the cyclone, if the building begins to cave in, shelter under a strong table, bench or heavy mattress, according to experts.

6. Alert your neighbours about the situation and close all windows and lock all doors.

7. According to experts, one should wear strong shoes and suitable clothing. Avoid wearing any fabric that is thick, tight and uncomfortable so that you can move freely and stay comfortable for long hours.

8. Do not panic at any given point. Stay alert and be aware of the situation and try to comfort those around you.

9. If you are driving during a cyclone, immediately stop and park in an area that is clear of trees, powerlines and water courses. Don’t step out of your car.

10. Experts say, one should only trust first-hand information. Follow a reliable source of information. Don’t just believe anything that you hear.

11. Charge your mobile phones well in advance and store valuable documents in waterproof containers.

12. Don’t leave sharp objects loose and watch out for broken electric poles, wires, other sharp objects.

Be safe and stay alert.