In an extremely heinous incident, a man in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, allegedly let his friend rape his wife to repay a loan of a paltry Rs 5,000 that he owed him.
The incident took place on September 29 when the 30-year-old man, identified as Naresh, brought his friend, a property dealer, home and had drinks together, reported Hindustan Times.
After striking a deal with him regarding the loan, he allegedly forced his wife to go with his friend to settle the debt. When the wife refused to go with her husband’s friend, she was beaten up by Naresh for raising an objection. Naresh’s friend then forced himself upon her and raped her.
On October 1, the woman then approached the police and filed an FIR for rape, criminal conspiracy and criminal intimidation against her husband and his friend at Loni border police station in Ghaziabad, says a report in India Today.
Following the complaint, police has arrested both the men.