A drunk teen stabbed his 17-year-old friend in Mumbai late last Saturday night for allegedly setting the cops on him. The incident happened near Wagle Estate. 

The victim was a resident of Thane. 

WikiCommons/Tony Webster

The victim had been out drinking with 19-year-old Mayur Yadav and a couple of his friends before the assault. Apparently, Yadav suspected the victim of tipping off the traffic police about their drunk driving.

The Times of India reported the police as saying:  

“On Saturday, Yadav and three of his friends, including the victim, had a few drinks at a restaurant in Yeoor. Around 7.30 pm, when they were heading home on two bikes, the traffic police stopped Yadav’s bike for a drink-and-drive check, while the victim managed to slip through. As Yadav was charged for drunk driving, he suspected that the victim had given him away,” 

Yadav thought that his friend had tipped off the police, so he punched him in the face and stabbed him in the shoulder to teach him a lesson.