Time seems to be moving in reverse and in the most disappointing ways possible. On Wednesday, 3rd of February, Twitter witnessed trolls responding to Rihanna’s post in support of the Farmers’ Protest in a disturbing and obnoxious way. 


People are mentioning and siding with Chris Brown on the assault that he subjected Rihanna to back in 2009 as a response. This was the original post by her on Twitter. 

Here are some of the reactions netizens had towards the post. Some of the tweets are triggering and there are descriptions of sexual assault and physical violence, please read with caution. 

The Quint
The Quint
Tweet by Kirru Sharman
The Quint

Justifying assault or abuse is not cool, it is far from alright. Let this be a lesson on how not to respond to world or human rights issues.  .