Being an influencer comes with its own set of responsibilities and being woke is one of them. Otherwise, people are going to call you out for the problematic views, sooner or later. 

An Instagram influencer named Nimisha Vermaa has stirred up a row on social media after implying that poverty is nothing but a state of mind. 

Take a moment and watch the video. 

In the viral video she states that we are programmed to believe that sources are limited but, in reality that’s not the case. She also says that poverty is a matter of perspective. These were her exact words:

How do you get to decide that someone is underprivileged? You have been programmed to believe that sources are limited and the people who have less of it are underprivileged and the people who have more of it are evil people. You mindset is limited, nobody is hoarding on anything.

Naturally, her tone deaf remark didn’t sit well with many people on social media and this is how they reacted. 

Vermaa has a verified account with over 92.7k followers on Instagram.