Donald Trump’s handshake, christened ‘Trumpshake’ by the media, has long been under the scanner.  It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this is no ordinary handshake, it’s an intimidation technique. From world leaders, politicians, officials and bussinessmen, Trump has managed to discomfit them all with the trumpshake. Look at Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s face after his 19-second long handshake with Trump as an example. 

According to analysts and body language experts, Trump’s overtly dominating shake is a sign of aggression and diplomatic power play. 

But wait, it looks like someone has finally broken the Trumpshake. And it’s none other than Canada’s blue-eyed boy, PM Justin Trudeau. 


And then again:

Trudeau was the last world leader to have met with the new American President. But as videos of the meeting, which took place inside the White House spread across media, it seems the Canadian leader has found a way to beat Trump’s peculiar handshake by standing his ground and not let Trump zealously wag his arm continuously like he did with Japan’s Abe. 

Obviously, the video went viral, with both Trudeau lovers and Trump-haters having a field day. Here are some of the most hilarious reactions to the shake on Twitter:

Many said that the way Trudeau, handled the handshake by not giving in to Trump’s pull but rather stood his ground, is a sign of not just physical but mental strength, given that the two heads of states are at opposing ideological ends of the political spectrum. 

Feature Image Source: Reuters