After the Una flogging incident, another shocking case of Dalit atrocity has come to light, this time in Ahmedabad. A 15-year-old Dalit boy in Gujarat’s Bhavda village was allegedly beaten up by two men on Thursday after his father refused to dispose off cattle carcasses, reported IANS.
Harsh Parmar, a student of Class X, was sitting with his friends in their colony when the two men started abusing him for not doing their work, and after a heated exchanged, thrashed them.
The police has now arrested both these men—Sahil Thakore and Sarvarkhan Pathan after the boy’s father, Dinesh Parmar, lodged an FIR against them.
“A case has been registered under the Prevention of Atrocities Act and other provisions of the Indian Penal Code,” said an official from the Kanbha police station.
Standing in solidarity with the Dalits, Parmar had refused to remove the carcasses to protest against the July 11 assault on Una youths. “Removing carcasses was our traditional work but after the Una incident, I took a pledge to give it up. I now depend solely on the daily wages I earn for a living,” he said.