Do you remember that scene from the movie 3 Idiots when Rancho (Aamir) carries his friend Raju Rastogi’s ailing father to hospital on a scooter? While ‘tripling’ on a scooter is not the safest idea, smart minds at India’s IT hub, Bengaluru seem to have taken some serious inspiration from the film.

In order to avoid the never-ending traffic jams on the roads, (and the indifferent, unyielding drivers) the Karnataka government has launched a two-wheeler ambulance service in Bengaluru.

These biker ambulances are equipped with life-saving drugs and oxygen cylinders, and promise to reach the needy patient in just 20 minutes. Paramedic trained personnel are to ride these two-wheeler ambulances.

“If a pizza can reach in 20 minutes then why can’t an ambulance? This ambulance can reach on time and help those who are in need,” Karnataka’s health minister, UT Khader, told NDTV .

As of now, 30 of these two-wheeled wonders have started plying in the city. Don’t believe it? Watch this NDTV video to know how the idea is being executed.

A cool move by Karnataka government, indeed.