Nadine Dorries, MP and a minister in the UK’s health department has been tested positive for coronavirus. She is the first MP in the UK to test positive.

In an official statement, the Conservative MP said:

I can confirm I have tested positive for coronavirus… and have been self-isolating at home.
Zee Business

The 62-year-old MP later tweeted that she is more worried about her mother, who has started coughing now.

According to reports, she first showed symptoms on Thursday, 5th March and the same day she attended a Downing Street event hosted by the Prime Minister. She confirmed that she had been self-isolating, since then.


Secretary of State for Health & Social Care, Matt Hancock also tweeted about the development. 


UK has seen more than 370 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and the health department of the country is now tracing all people she had been in contact with to ascertain the source of virus contraction.

According to BBC, all health ministers, including Health Secretary Matt Hancock, are to undergo screening, along with other officials who might have come into contact with Ms Dorries.