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A 2016 study shows that women are three times more likely to suffer whiplash in car crashes than men. The research pointed out that the sitting position can influence the risk of whiplash for women.

The dummy used in car crash testing is standardised for men and not women. 

After analysing data of 45,445 crash victims, the researchers at the University of Virginia claimed that most women were 5½ inches shorter and 35 pounds lighter than men, which is why they were 47% more likely to suffer from severe injuries. 

The main reason behind this is the unequal crash testing during the manufacturing of cars. The data suggest that the dummies used in crash tests are the standard size of a man, making car rides safer for them.


Volvo Cars have tried to bridge the gap of gender equality in car manufacturing

Volvo Cars took this as an opportunity to bring about gender equality in the car industry by making car rides safer for women. They gathered data from real car crashes for the last 40 years and introduced ‘Project EVA’ – launching female crash test dummies to ensure safe rides for women. This initiative presented a virtual female crash dummy which will later be used at the manufacturing level. So, the next time a woman sits in the car, she can be assured that the car has been tested to ensure that she is secure.

Here’s how ‘Project EVA’ by Volvo Cars is trying to bridge gender inequalities in car testing!

This is a virtual replica of what the female crash test dummy will look like. 

Volvo Cars – Eva

To make it known to the world, Volvo Cars have also created a video on ‘Project EVA’; to promote awareness about women safety in cars and for other car manufacturers to follow. Watch it here:

Kudos to Volvo Cars for coming up with such a great initiative. Hope all other automobile brands are taking a cue. For more details click here.