After the Supreme Court’s historic decision holding triple talaq unconstitutional, madrassas in Uttar Pradesh have begun preparation to tell women not to take their personal matters to court.
As reported by The Times of India, Maulana Shahbudin Razvi, national general secretary of Jamat Raza-e-Mustafa (an influential organisation of the Sunni Barelvi sect) said that they would urge Muslim women not to take their personal matters to courts or police. Razvi also said that they would now teach men the correct way to give divorce as per Sharia.
“Following the apex court order on triple talaq, we conducted a meeting of clerics associated with madrassas and have urged them to inform the community through students, and also in their Friday prayers and during religious congregations, about the correct ways of giving talaq,” he told TOI.
Well, the clerics’ decision to tell women to go to court seems problematic. Didn’t women move court as a last resort, because no one from giving them an ear? We wonder if the community had acted on the matter had courts not given this decision.