In an apparent case of ragging, 150 first-year medical students were forced to shave their heads and salute their seniors at the Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences in Safai village. Videos of the incident depicting the students ‘bowing in reverence’ to the seniors started doing the rounds, forcing the authorities to take action.


According to NDTV, the first video shows a small group of students with shaved heads in white coats walking in single-file.

The second video shows them jogging and giving mock salutes to seniors.

In the third video, a guard is seen standing near the students but taking no action to stop the ragging.

In response, Vice-Chancellor Dr Raj Kumar said,

We keep a strict vigil on such activities and we have a separate dean social welfare for students. Further, we have an anti-ragging committee to deal with complaints. We also have a special squad which visits every place in University to keep a check over ragging. The students can complain to the anti-ragging committee or even to their wardens.

Strong action will be taken against those involved. We have suspended students earlier also. I want to assure juniors that they need not worry

Saifai Medical University was set up during Mulayam Singh Yadav’s tenure as Chief Minister. It is his home village.