In recent times UP police’s method of dealing with protests against NRC and CAA have raised a few questions. It looks like the police are trying too hard to not let a situation like Shaheen Bagh take place in Uttar Pradesh.

Hindustan Times

According to Moneycontrol, a similar act, UP police reportedly uprooted a tent that was meant for a wedding. The police misunderstood it for a set up for an anti-CAA and NRC protest. The wedding ceremony, scheduled for February 4th, was taking place in Mohalla Mirdagan of Bignor city.

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As per the reports, the daughter’s father had a tent set up in a vacant land near his house where all gifts were kept. That is when the police arrived and started uprooting the tent without taking any kind of permission.

However, after realising that the tent was set up for a wedding, they asked the family to reinstall it.

India Times

Such incidents are troubling because this was not a random group of people but the state police that disrupted someone’s personal life purely on the basis of misinformation, which is of great concern.