USA’s longest war, fought in Afghanistan since 2001, has been a drain on resources as well as a difficult time for all involved. However, after months of negotiations in Qatar’s capital Doha, there appears to be relief. 

According to Al Jazeera, US officials and Taliban representatives signed a historic peace deal that could lead to the US to gradually withdrawing its troops.

The agreement has 4 main points – 14 months for the withdrawal of all US and NATO troops; a Taliban guarantee that Afghan soil will not be used as a launchpad to threaten the security of the US; the launch of intra-Afghan negotiations by March 10; and a permanent ceasefire. The Taliban has now ordered all its fighters to halt fighting and ‘refrain from attacks’.

Al Jazeera

Diplomats from Afghanistan, the US, India, Pakistan and other UN member states were present during the signing. India also put out a statement saying, 

India’s consistent policy is to support all opportunities that can bring peace, security and stability in Afghanistan; end violence; cut ties with international terrorism; and lead to a lasting political settlement through an Afghan led, Afghan owned and Afghan controlled process.
Al Jazeera

MEA spokesperson Raveesh kumar also added that India will continue to support Afghanistan in its efforts for a democratic future.

VOA News

India has been a key stakeholder in the rebuilding of war-torn Afghanistan. It also referred to Afghanistan as a contiguous neighbour, implying that PoK belongs to India.