This pandemic has shown us many stories of families reuniting but, this reunion story we are about to tell you, is nothing less than filmy.

43-year-old, Prakash Singh Karki from Uttarakhand, who left home without informing his family, reunited with them after 24 long years during the lockdown.

Prakash, who hails from Ramadi village in Uttarakhand, left home in 1995 after finishing high school to pursue his career. He first worked in Delhi, then Himachal Pradesh and then finally in Gujarat. 

But, after the lockdown was announced, he changed his plans. On 18th May he came back home without, informing his family members, to give them a hearty surprise. More than anyone else, his 68-year-old mother, Bachuli Devi, was happy and excited to see him.

While talking about why he left home without informing his family, Karki said:  

After passing high-school in 1995, I decided to leave home for work. However, I did that without informing my parents and siblings which must have hurt them for which I think there is no forgiveness for me. 

At first, no one recognised Prakash when he arrived in the village. Even the head of the village was unable to recognise him but, after questioning him, the village residents were convinced that Prakash had finally made a comeback. 

So, why did he come home after so many years? Well, he says the lockdown got him thinking about his family and that’s when he made his way home. Now, he says he will never leave them again as he missed them a lot.

Unfortunately, Karki couldn’t meet his father as he passed away a few years ago but, now he has decided to stay home. 

He has also applied for work under MGNREGA in the village so that he can stay close to his mother and his two brothers.