In Uttarakhand’s Nainital district, a 12-year-old boy named Sunny didn’t think twice before jumping in the Kosi river, Ramnagar to save a 22-year-old man. 

Apparently, this 22-year-old who is suspected to be mentally challenged flung himself into the river. When he started drowning and screamed for help, Sunny without hesitation jumped amidst the violent currents of the river and got him out of the water. 

An eyewitness who saw the entire incident mentioned, 

The boy was standing at the bridge with a friend. He jumped when he saw the man struggling. By the time he reached him, the man had washed up on a rock in the middle of the river, unconscious. It took the boy a good 15 minutes to drag him out of the eddy he was caught in. Later, with the help of a friend, he managed to get him out of the river. 

Netizens lauded this brave boy. 

The police has sent the man for treatment and his condition is stable now.