Ok, so the Indian Police force doesn’t always score very high when it comes to empathy or handling situations. But a video of a group of constables beating up a couple inside the Andheri police station in Mumbai resulted in the northern suburb trending on Twitter on Wednesday.

Here’s the video of the incident:

But here’s the weirdest bit. According to a ANI report , the cops were apparently trying to break up a argument between the couple and instead ending up assaulting both of them, in the police station premises.

The man who recorded the video said that the couple, who reportedly work in the same call centre, were arguing outside the Andheri police station when a constable asked the woman if she was being harassed by the man, but she said it was a personal matter.

However, the couple were taken into the police station anyway and made to sit separately and at some point the woman is seen going towards her male friend.

“She asked her friend to help her and when he came forward the police did not spare him as well and beat him up badly,” Ghulam Maqbool Sheikh told ANI.

Screengrab from the video

The police has rubbished the charge, saying the couple were in an inebriated condition and had a scuffle with each other on the night of November 1.

“The couple were under heavy influence of alcohol and were fighting with each other on the road near Andheri Metro Station. They were then brought to the police station but the two picked up a scuffle again. Police just did the duty to separate them while they were fighting,” Nandkumar Dhumal, the Senior Inspector at the Andheri police station told PTI.

He claimed that the man was trying to get hold of the woman when the police intervened and tried to restrain him. The official said the video was recorded to sully the image of hte police, he said. The parents of the couple were later called to the police station and they were released after a warning.

There is now an probe on against the constables in the video, Dhumal said.