In an initiative to provide a platform for those seeking information or contact number of missing, found or sighted children, the government of India has launched a unique website called Khoya Paya .

Khoya Paya

This website can prove to be one of the most effective medium to communicate with the missing child’s family and also the person who might have spotted the child somewhere at a public area.

Khoya Paya

As you visit the website, you can see header messages that suggest what to do exactly if your child has gone missing. “It is mandatory for police to register FIR in case of missing child. You are advised to inform the nearest police station,” a post reads on the website.

After registering with the website, the visitor will come across three options.

Khoya Paya

This easy-to-navigate platform not only helps register details about a missing child, but if you have found a child under suspicious circumstances you can mention those details as well. The missing children’s parents are directed to keep track on the ‘Search A Missing Child’ option.

Do you know of a child who needs help? Register now.