In his address today, PM Modi confirmed that the nationwide lockdown would be extended till May 3. Many states in the country had already announced an extension to their own lockdowns.

Amongst the so many speculations going on around the web, many news sources have speculated that after the lockdown extension, the government might also divide the country into 3 zones, red, orange and green. 

The Green Zones would be those districts where there is not even a single case of COVID-19. According to NDTV sources, there are somewhere around 400 districts, where there has been no case so far. In the green zones, some MSME industries, agricultural operations would be allowed to function with a strict emphasis on social distancing.

The Orange Zones would be placed in areas that have seen less than 15 cases and there has been no increase in the number of positive cases of COVID-19. It is speculated that minimum activities like opening of limited transport, harvesting of farm products will be allowed here. 

The places that have more than 15 cases will be considered as a Red Zone, where a strict lockdown would be followed.

Not just this, the Home Ministry is likely to come out with a list of sectors where relaxations will be provided. This may include food processing, aviation, pharmaceuticals, industries, construction, and others. 

Hopefully, there will be more clarity when the guidelines are released tomorrow.