From foodgrains to cattle, rural folks follow the age-old custom of offering their agri-produces to gods every Pongal. But residents of a Tamil Nadu village show their gratitude by celebrating a unique festival, where they throw hundreds of bunches of bananas from the roof of a temple to a gathering of devotees outside.

Called ‘Soorai Viduthal’, it is celebrated on the third day of Tamil month ‘Thai’ every year, at Sri Solaimalai Azhagar Temple in the Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu.

On Sunday, villagers carried out what they claim is a 200-year-old tradition.

Here’s the video of devotees taking the fruits in baskets to the temple:

Each of the devotees carried about 20 dozens of bananas while the more affluent bring them in large quantities in autorickshaws and vans. The devotees enter the temple in a procession accompanied by colourful umbrellas.

The bananas are then offered to the deity and after the rituals, taken to the roof top from where the donors throw them to the crowd waiting outside the temple.

b’The banana ritual is a part of harvest festival Pongal. Photo for representation / PTI’

The fruits are grabbed by those waiting while the donors make sure to distribute them also to those who were not lucky enough to catch them.

With inputs from PTI

Feature image for representation / AFP