Having a luxury yacht which can eclipse all others and also allow one to treat guests to a striking underwater experience, as they adore the sophisticated interiors.

This larger than life experience is exactly what an Austrian design and engineering firm Migaloo is offering, in form of a Private Submersible Yacht.

With helipads, swimming pools, movie theatres, elevators, wine cellars, libraries and private terraces, Migaloo’s line of super-yachts offers a luxurious extravaganza, demonstrated by a concept yacht, in which the owner can close up the decks and convert the yacht into a submarine, and also gets a private floating island.

Just watch the video below to get a better idea:

Migaloo’s managing director Christian Gumpold told Architectural Digest that, “Privacy is a big issue on superyachts, our answer to this concern is simply submerging the vessel into complete privacy.”