Not all people do good in the expectation of getting rewarded in return. Some do it by virtue of their nature and principles. Like this man from Maharashtra, who is being praised for his honesty.

Dhanaji Jagdale, a 54-year-old man from Satara, set an example of honesty for others when he returned ₹40,000 cash lying at a bus stop to its rightful owner, without expecting anything in return.


According to a report by News18, Jagdale found a bundle of notes at a bus stop in Dahiwadi on the day of Diwali. Instead of keeping the money with himself, he asked people around. This is when he met the owner of cash, distressed and searching for the bag.

He immediately returned the money to this man and refused to take ₹1,000 as reward.


What’s more heartwarming is that Jagdale had just ₹3 in his pocket at that time. He accepted just ₹7 so that he could pay the bus fare to get to his village.

He has already been felicitated for his honesty by some local organisations. And every time, he refused to accept any cash reward.

al jazeera

In conversation with News18, Jagdale talked about why he doesn’t want to accept any reward. He said:

I think by taking someone’s money, one would not get satisfaction. The only message I want to spread is that people should live honestly.

These stories, full of goodness and selflessness, restore our faith in humanity