Sana Iqbal, a woman biker from Hyderabad who hit headlines in 2015 for her solo bike ride across India to spread awareness about depression, died in a car accident on Tuesday morning. She was just 29.

Sana was with her husband Abdul Nadeem in the car travelling in the city near Narsingi when their car crashed into the median, as per a report by The New Indian Express. Nadeem reportedly lost control of his Fiat Punto at around 4 am when the car hit an electric pole on the median. Sana died shortly after the accident of head injuries while Nadeem is undergoing treatment.

Who was Sana?

Sana Iqbal, who had been riding bikes since Class 7, was well known among the rider community. Among her many journeys was a famous one in November 2015, when she took off on a solo bike trip from Goa through the length and breadth of the country on a Royal Enfield. 

She covered 38,000 kms. 

What made people take notice was a placard on the bike’s rear that read: “Solo ride across India by a woman on bullet. Awareness against suicide/depression.”

Sana had herself battled depression. While pursuing a Masters in Psychology, she counselled people with depression and also delivered talks at various colleges.

This is a TEDx talk she delivered in June this year:
