An elderly woman had to drag her ill husband along the floor to get his scanning done as she was allegedly not provided with a wheelchair at a government run-hospital in Shivamogga in Karnataka.

The video of the incident, where Amir Saab, aged about 75, is seen being dragged by his foot along the floor by his wife Fameeda, has sparked outrage with the government ordering an inquiry into it.

Here is the video:

The incident occurred on May 31 afternoon, at the state government-run McGann Hospital.

According to the patient, his wife was not provided the wheel chair by hospital authorities, despite repeated requests.

“We were fed up after repeatedly asking for a wheelchair.

No one gave it. So my wife dragged me outside. By then someone came. They raised their voice against hospital authorities and got us the wheelchair,” Amir Saab told reporters.

He said he has got back pain after being dragged along the floor and also complained that doctors were not visiting “properly”.

Health department officials said Amir Saab was admitted on May 25 due to some lung problem, breathing issues and swelling in the body. The physician after conducting tests, had advised an abdomen scan on May 30, they said.

The “unfortunate” incident should not have occurred as there were adequate number of wheelchairs, the hospital officials said, adding, an inquiry would be held regarding the lapses.

Health Minister Ramesh Kumar said officials told him the patient’s family was “impatient” to wait for the wheelchair.

“But I told officials that such incidents should not have happened at a government hospital. So conduct an inquiry and submit a report, so that action can be taken against those responsible,” he said.