A woman was allegedly harassed by four men who also assaulted her with a knife when she resisted their attempts to molest her, police said today. 

The woman was returning home from the fields in the village of Sohar in Malawan area yesterday when a man identified as Yogesh along with three others, abducted her, a police official said. 

They carried her away to Yogesh’s house and when she resisted, they attacked her with a knife. 

b’Representational image | Source: PTI’

The accused also allegedly set the victim’s house on fire. 

The woman went to the police station on Friday, but she alleged that FIR was not being lodged. She then approached the ASP who ordered the lodging of the FIR and action against the accused, police said. 

No arrest has been made yet. 

Featured image source: Twitter/ Representational image